What to Expect

During our services, you will experience anointed worship with prophetic encounters.

Children are engaged with their parents in worship. They may be flagging, dancing or drawing what God is showing them.  Adults also worship freely, often lifting their hands, or kneeling during worship as they feel led by Holy Spirit.

We usually take a brief break after worship when you can enjoy coffee and donuts as you get acquainted with the genuinely caring people of River Church.

During the message, you’ll be empowered through dynamic, hope-filled, Spirit-inspired preaching and teaching.

We encourage you to stick around after the service to meet the family! Most people linger to fellowship, encourage one another and pray for each other when there is a need.


Children are encouraged to engage in worship with the congregation. We believe there is no such thing as a junior Holy Spirit. Our kids contribute with their giftings and talents and they learn by watching their parents and other adults. They are a meaningful part of our worship experience and often have significant encounters with the Lord.

During the message, children are welcome to stay with their parents or attend children’s church.  We do not have a nursery at this point, so children under 2 need to stay with their parents during the service. We do have a cry-room with audio and full view of the service if children get fussy and parents need to take them out of the service for a time.